Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Book: Why I left CCM

I just finished reading Dan Lucarini's book Why I Left The Contemporary Christian Music Movement. I have wanted to read it for almost a year because the title sounded very interesting. The book is by a former worship pastor about why a church should not add contemporary praise and worship music (P&W) to their services. I agree with him for the most part. A lot of what passes as "worship" music is "me focused" and "me centered" rather than the focus of our worship be God centered. Here are a few songs that I have sung and reflecting on the lyrics they focus on me and what I have done for God.

I Found Jesus - No you didn't! Jesus was never lost in the first place and He didnt need you to find Him, He is God so He knows where He is at all times. We were lost and as Paul says in Roman, we were DEAD in our sin. Dead people dont find anything, physically or spiritually. We dont even choose to become a Christian. Its all a work of God thru Jesus.
I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever - This song was renamed by a friend of mine I've been singing this song forever. It is an example of what my wife Liz and I have dubbed 7-11 worship; seven words song eleven times equals praise music.
Refiner's Fire - This song has bothered me since the first time I heard it. A line in the chorus claims "I choose to be holy, set apart for you my master ready to do your will." Again We do not choose to be holy, it is the finished work of Christ on the cross which MAKES us holy. I can not do anything in Gods sight to be holy. Not one.

I could go one forever about different songs but I will choose to tell you more about this book.
On page 120 of his book Mr Lucarini outlines what the purpose of worship is for Contemporaries as well as for those who are traditional;
For "Traditionasl" the purpose of worship is to prepare our hearts for the message and the primary focus of the songs is on God and if He likes it. The emphasis of the is service is the message/sermon and the overall success of a service is if I was convicted by God's Word.
For the Contemporaries the purpose of worship is to usher us into God's presences, and the primary focus of the songs is if the people liked it. The emphasis of the is service is the music and the overall success of a service is if I experienced God.
Mr. Lucarini also points out that music styles split churches and its always traditionals that are forced out of the church. Rick Warren in his book "The Purpose Driven Church" says that in order to grow a church you need to have a music style thats attractive to non-believers and a message that focuses on the felt needs of the "seeker" or you will not have a successful church. I have more to say about Rick Warren in another post.
The call of this book it to focus on God with our worship. When we go to church God should be the focus of our worship and the message/sermon that is preached. God calls us to be holy, the problem is the majority of people who go to church on Sunday do not read their Bible. If your not reading God's Word and you dont know what it says then how do you know what the pastor is telling you on Sunday (or whatever day you go to church) is actually what the Bible teaches.
I enjoyed the books and recommend it. There is a lot more in there but I think I covered the main points.


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